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Empowering Innovation, Fostering  Growth & Expanding Horizons



Business, Products, Solutions


Stakeholders and Companies


Regionally and Globally  


Affinity Ecosystem




Cannaccess is working with major Thai and global stakeholders, facilitating innovative products, platforms and solutions for local and global markets. 


Thailand's Pole Position as a Regional & Global Cannabis Hub

Why Thailand

Production and manufacturing hub to Asia

Providing an ideal manufacturing, R&D, and product testing environment

Cannabis market pacemaker for the region

First to legalize medical cannabis in Asia

Engaged in the unique Thai Cannabis ecosystem, focused  on regulation-agnostic elements of the value chain.

Building Strategic Partnerships

Selecting Best-in-Class Companies

Connecting Industry Players

Expanding Markets & Products

Providing Local Insight & Access 

Cannaccess Operations

With access to powerful global and local networks, Cannaccess is able to engage with best-in-class companies and facilitate their entry into a new and challenging market by encouraging strategic relationships, building value via new products and much-needed ancillary services, and constantly being in tune with the needs of this emerging and evolving market.

Who We Work With

Cannaccess's Mission

To support the Thai Cannabis ecosystem by implementing global standards, building relationships, and enabling mutual access between the global and Thai markets

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